Faculty of Dental Medicine

In 2020 the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the Faculty of Dental Medicine, MU-Plovdiv.

Bilateral agreements have been concluded with scientific institutions in Italy, Latvia, Spain, North Macedonia and Turkey.
In 1970, by decision of the Council of Ministers of the People's Republic
Bulgaria (No. 230/24.09.1970) at VMI-Plovdiv, a specialty was opened
"Dentistry". The first 110 students who start are accepted
his studies in the general medical disciplines in the departments of the institute.
Since October 2006, the Faculty of Dentistry has been housed in
a new and modern building located at the foot of Mladezhki hill. From
2019 FDM also has a new "Base 2", which is equipped with a modern
equipment for teaching students of "Dental Medicine", doctoral students and
specialists. Currently, 1,300 students are being trained at FDM-Plovdiv - 800 Bulgarian-language training and 500 English-language training.
The main priority is to increase the quality of education of students in "Dental Medicine".
The equipment in the clinical rooms is constantly updated, which improves the conditions for educational work.
The faculty has excellently equipped lecture, phantom, pre-clinical and clinical halls.
The research activity of the Faculty of Dental Medicine - Plovdiv is aimed at implementing new methods and technologies. Only for
In 2020, there are 9 dissertations defended with the ONS "Doctor", for 2021 - 3 with the ONS "Doctor" and 1 thesis for "Doctor of Medical Sciences".
Faculty of Dental Medicine - Plovdiv together with RK of BZS-Plovdiv
organizes a Scientific Congress "Science and practice - hand in hand", in which
include dentists from all over the country.
Bilateral agreements have been concluded with scientific institutions in Latvia, Italy, Spain, North Macedonia and Turkey.
FDM-Plovdiv actively participates in the "Erasmus+" program - sends to
study abroad its students and teachers, welcomes students and
lecturers from related universities.
Since 2020, the "Podem" Center has been established at FDM-Plovdiv, which conducts
continuing education, through courses and lectures of dental doctors
medicine. Through its centers - "Laser", "CAD/CAM", "3 D printing" and
"Implantology", which are part of NIMU, FDM-Plovdiv is a leading unit
in the implementation of new technologies, knowledge and skills in dentistry